Principles of business
Safety at Work
Safety of our employees is our primary goal. The common goal of all managers and employees of the company is that every single employee returns home to his family healthy and in the same condition as he left his family in the morning. To prevent and eliminate incidents and work accidents, RMS Košice s.r.o. has built a proactive work safety and risk elimination system according to STN OHSAS 18001:2009 standards.
Environmental Protection
We are fully aware of our responsibility for the protection and creation of the environment, the quality of which directly or indirectly affects the quality of life of current and future generations. Our primary goal is environmental protection and the application of only those procedures and technologies that do not have a negative impact on the environment. To fulfill this goal, an effective environmental management system was introduced in the company according to STN EN ISO 14001:2016 standards.

Quality and reliability
Building and developing an integrated quality management and development system makes the basis of competition, ability, and further development of the company. Process approach and effective communication creates prerequisites for reliable and effective management of all activities. In order to fulfill this goal, the company introduced a quality management system according to STN EN ISO 9001:2016 standards.
We reduce the energy consumption of processes.
Currently, we are witnessing a dynamic increase in energy prices, the production of which at the same time burdens the environment. In order to fulfill our goals in the area of environmental protection and at the same time continuously reduce costs, our company has introduced an energy management system according to STN EN ISO 50001:2012 standards.
We are one team and we think about our families.
As part of the social program, we support and organize social events for our employees and their families. At the same time, as part of the social program, we support sports events of our employees, cultural events, International Children’s Day and, of course, we have established support for employees in need – a social fund. Only loyal and satisfied employees are a guarantee of continuous and sustainable development of RMS Košice s.r.o. and are its most valuable strategic asset.

We create value for our customers
In our activity, we strive to bring and maintain high quality products and services for our customers, while continuously reducing costs with the aim of directly reducing costs for our customers. We promote a safe and healthy work environment, environmental responsibility, and ethical behavior in every aspect. The company has had a Code of Ethics in place since 2004, which our employees follow in every aspect.
Social responsibility.
RMS Košice s. r. o. is a contributor and supporter of projects in the field of healthcare, education, sports and culture in the region of Košice and eastern Slovakia. The company RMS Košice s.r.o. with its responsible approach to the region has recently gained the trust of employees, suppliers, and the wider community. (Šaca KJ Hospital, HC Košice, Šachťák, TUKE Conferences, Glow Materials Congress, etc.)
Protection of personal data and information
25/05/2018 is the date of application of Regulation EP and R (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons in the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation data – GDPR). Since it is a Regulation, it is binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all EU member states. Since the protection of personal data is one of the basic human rights and freedoms guaranteed by international legal acts, in the legal order of the Slovak Republic it is also guaranteed by the Basic Law of the State – the Constitution of the Slovak Republic. In support, the new Act No. 18/2018 Coll. was adopted in the Slovak Republic. on the protection of personal data and on the amendment of certain laws with effect from the same date. Personal data is a part of every person’s life. The issue of personal data protection is quite extensive, as a rule, we only become aware of it when our personal data is misused, and our privacy is invaded. It is therefore important to know who, when, where and what kind of personal data is available to them and how they handle it. Violations of personal data protection also carry the risk of high fines. Knowledge of regulations related to the issue of personal data is therefore important not only for persons who process personal data, but also for those, whose personal data are processed (persons concerned).